Monday 21 March 2011

Bike to work for Climate Week: Journey #1

Ironically, the first journey I made this morning was by car to the station in order to attend the official launch of Climate week at Lancaster House. I was concerned about leaving the bike and tagalong parked up outside Reading station, and also about having to change clothes on the train, so the bike stayed at home this morning. I was tempted to give in, and start the experiment tomorrow, but enthused by the climate week launch, I headed back to Reading and drove home to fetch my trusty steed.

Problems that I encountered:

1.) The bike was in the shed, behind an entire kitchen extensions-worth of rubbish.

2.) With the tagalong attached, the beast is about 12 feet long, and with three pivot points, very hard to back out of an enclosed space.

3.) My husband had hidden the cycle helmets in the shed, and was unavailable to tell me where he’d put them.

4.) The cat was stuck up a tree and punctuated my attempts to get the bike out of the shed with pitiful mewling.
Still, after about 15 minutes of concerted effort and unladylike language, I managed to get on the road, with my backpack containing office clothes and Millie’s hi-vis vest, on my back. Once I got going though, things went OK, until I encountered the first hill.

Warwick Castle has 503 stairs along its crenellations, and signs helpfully warn you that they operate a one-way system, so basically when you start, there’s no going back. Climbing around the battlements is how we spent Sunday afternoon, and this is what did for my thighs on that first hill. Ow.

Once I got to work, in just 20 minutes, I realised that I hadn't brought the lock, so would have to put the bike inside. Cue much difficulty getting through the security door, and a swift rescue by one of my colleagues.

I’m about to contemplate heading back up the hill to fetch Millie for the journey home. It looks like rain. I think I need chocolate. I know I need someone to help me get the bike back through the door.

I wonder if the cat is still in the tree.

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