As we headed out into misty Reading this morning the novelty was definitely starting to wear off for me. My behind is still tender from the unaccustomed proximity to the saddle, and there is undoubtedly less energy in my legs. Millie on the other hand was still keen, and posed enthusiastically for a photo before we set out.
Millie has started to realise that the reason we are moving our legs is actually in order to move the bike forward. Her moment of enlightenment came yesterday evening when I stopped pedalling on the flat and made her the sole power source: "It's really stiff Mummy!" she exclaimed in surprise. Yes Millie, yes it is.
She made a lot more effort this morning, with the result that we made it all the way up the hill before I had to stop for a rest. She was still talking pretty much non-stop, however, and anyone who knows a five-year old knows that if you don't answer their question the first time, they will keep on asking until you do, regardless of whether your lungs are hanging out of your mouth at the time.
Following drop off at school I whizzed down the hill to work appreciating just how much lighter the bike is without its passenger. Made it to work on time after a quick change in the loo.
The sun is coming out now, and it should be nice and warm by the time I ride home this evening for the last commuter journey of the week, so I'm quite looking forward to it.